So, here's what happened. We went for a drive to check out the Popu'u Valley overlook. Right at the end of the overlook, there's a trail, so we decided to go for a "little walk".
I'm wearing a skirt. Shoes made for posture, not necessarily for walking down a steep, stony trail. Carrying my PURSE, which is the size of Montana. No water. And I have to pee. Were we prepared for a hike, or what?

So, what am I warring about? Part of me wants to go all the way down to the beach just to prove I can do it. The other part of me, the part that is wearing a skirt, has no water and has to pee, knows it will take us three times as long to get back to the top as it did to get where we are right now, and it's already 2:30. It's sunny and hot. Did I mention I'm wearing the wrong shoes?

Then I started looking at this in terms of running a business. There it is, the "finish line", as it were. I can see it and feel it. However, if I go there right now, unprepared for the really tough part, getting back to the summit, will I prevail? Yes, I probably would, and I would also be exhausted, possibly sick, and seriously disinclined to try for the summit again.
What to do? Regroup, research, and be prepared for the (known) tough stuff? Or shoulder on regardless? I'm sure there will be times when despite all my best efforts to be prepared, I won't be. And then what?
Man, I hate it when I get all introspective on the side of a mountain....
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