Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Almost Time to Begin!

Not much going on, except I've been reading some of the textbooks. However, things are going to heat up quickly very soon! Emails have started to arrive from Touched By a Horse for an orientation Webinar. It's scheduled at a time that interrupts a whole bunch of stuff I do, like riding the train home from work, and a standing chiropractor appointment. Oh, GRRRRR. Lots of angst around this, and spinning of brain cells. How am I going to get my schedule to work around this whole school thing? Monkey mind was doing its best to derail me even before we start!

Then I got out of my head about the "inconvenience" and remembered that the moment was inevitable. Deep Breathing, calming meditations. After that, it was easy to recognize what was most important and what should be done.

So on the day, I am rearranging my chiro appointment and driving into the office. Bringing along my MacBook, and I'll find a cozy spot at the local Starbucks, plug in, and Webinar away! E. Z.

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