Monday, January 3, 2011


Today we're having our orientation call for TBAH, and man, did I have an interesting dream last night! Full of symbolism, it certainly presented a clear picture of my current state of mind.

A horse who started out by being mean and biting me, and later on in the dream we were friends and the horse stood on two legs while we walked arm in arm to my destination. - Afraid of my power, and then embracing it - powerful.

Bicycling with a companion who was quite overweight - if everyone in our dreams is supposed to be us, this could be my inner person, who still harbors the "fat girl" I was growing up. Anxious, insecure, unpopular, never quite fitting in, the girl in my dream was still present toward the end of the dream, but not directly involved in the action. Somewhere along the line she became a bit player.

While waiting for our (Irish) instructor to show up, a car pulled into the bedroom I was waiting in (lounging on a bed), and in the car was a man dressed all in black, wearing a black hat. I immediately recognized this being as the "grim reaper". There was another person on the bed as well, and the reaper pointed and said "I'm here to be with you," and I pointed at the other person and asked "him, or me?" and of course the answer was me. Spooked me in my dream, and I woke up. Had to reflect on this for a while. This aspect of myself may be the pieces that will be "dying" as I go through the process of becoming the best person I can be to help others and do the work I will be learning about.

There are no coincidences. I had this dream at a perfect time in my sleep cycle to remember it with a great deal of clarity, and to understand that it is showing me my concerns, and also, that I will prevail and come into my power along the way, in a very positive fashion.

As my childhood mentor, Mr Spock, would say...."Fascinating!"

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