Friday, January 21, 2011


My Coach, Peggy, encouraged me to start writing my Vision. In this context, "Vision" is a day in the life of ME, set sometime in the future, and written in the first person, like it's happening right now. I found this to be quite a revealing, and very fun, exercise. Here's part of it. The date is April 25, 2013 (and I have no idea why...but nothing happens by chance)

I put on some water for tea and make a bowl of oatmeal for us both. We eat breakfast contentedly, discussing our plans for the day. Glenn is going out on several photos shoots. I have some private clients today, plus I’m going to spend some time driving Wilma and doing more ground play with Lili. As we eat, we can see our barn helper feeding the horses. They are such a hoot, standing at the fence in a line, each one in their place, knowing the hay is on its way. Wilma, of course, is always at the front. Being boss mare has its advantages!

Breakfast over, Glenn and I embrace, kiss, and head off to the day’s business. My first stop: my office, where I fire up the computer and check the Harmony’s Heart website to confirm my schedule, check email, and do a short blog about yesterday’s activities with Marieh. I spend about an hour in the office. The workshop scheduled for May 15th is full, with a waiting list that just increased to 3! Very exciting! People really want to learn about what drives them, so this particular workshop has been very popular. I leave a note for my Coordinator to see if we can get another workshop scheduled in for June. I had kept a couple of weekends free, just in case we had a lot of interest and would want to schedule another workshop close on the heels of the one on the 15th. Ask and it is given!

Glenn’s dog went off on the day’s adventures with him, so Baby, my Aussie/Lab mix, has been patiently waiting for me. Okay, Baby, time to go down to the barn and get Wilma gussied up. In the mudroom, I put on a pair of boots and a jacket, and off we go.

Wilma loves to go driving, and greets us eagerly at the gate. I groom her, tack her up, hitch her to the cart, and we head out the driveway with Baby tracking back and forth behind us, tail going a mile a minute. We turn left out the drive and head down toward Tule Lake. I love living in an area that’s all dirt roads! The route around the lake is pretty remote, so no danger of cars, and Baby can roam as much as she wants. Wilma trots along jauntily, in great shape at 22! About halfway around the lake, we slow down and take a breather. Baby runs up to the cart. I stop Wilma, and at my invitation, Baby jumps into the cart and sits beside me. She’ll stay there until we get home, supervising Wilma and me and enjoying the view.

Back at the barn, I give Wilma a well-deserved massage and stretch, let her back into the pasture, and retrieve her granddaughter, Lili. In reality, Lili retrieves me; she inherited her Friesian sire’s sociability, so it’s pretty hard to go anywhere around the barn without this lovely Siamese-colored filly following along. She has taken to her training with enthusiasm, and loves nothing more than showing me how smart she is. Today, after a thorough grooming and love fest, we review all of her online tasks, and then play at liberty for a while. She learns so fast, and toward the end of summer, when she’s just a little older, we’ll introduce her to the saddle and bridle. I’ve already leaned over her back on numerous occasions and let her “carry” me a step or two. She is so proud to do it. What an awesome girl! She is one of the best healing horses I have, too. All of the mares have a wonderful empathy with my clients, and Wilma and Lili are just exceptional.

I head back into the house for a quick lunch, check email, and then my first client arrives. I enjoy private sessions, and each of the clients this afternoon is working on unique issues, so it is always interesting to see which horse will show up for which client.

The afternoon passes quickly. I find the work so rewarding, and being totally in the moment with the client and the horses feels absolutely right. I feel expanded, like I can touch all sides of the universe. I am humbled by the trust the clients put in me and the horses, and always pray that I am responding in a way that is for the greater good of all. It all goes well, and everyone, clients, horses and me, do a lot of smiling.

Before I know it, the last client has left for the day, and it’s time to head back up to the house. I bid each beautiful member of my healing herd a restful evening, thank them for the service they’ve provided today, and make my way indoors.

NOTE that part of my vision includes someone other than Glenn or me to feed the horses and clean up after them. I'm sure there's a housekeeper in there someplace, too - or maybe that's a year or two beyond April 25, 2013. AND the part about the clients is a little bit vague - mostly because I haven't yet attended a CORE and don't know exactly what Gestalt Equine Coaching looks like yet - so that will definitely be expanded as time goes on.

What is your Vision for yourself? Might be fun to try this and find out!

Loving my Vision......Ashara

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