Thursday, April 28, 2011

None of Us Walk Alone

Last time I blogged, I was panicking about doing a workshop. Remember that? Frozen brain, scared motionless, looking for any available exit. That was me.

After my brain unfroze, it blanked out. I knew I had heard all sorts of great workshop ideas at CORE and in our teleclasses, but could I remember any of them? Uhhhhh, nope. Looking through my copious class notes wasn't much more of a help. Lots of good info, just nothing about cool workshops I could try.

Then two very interesting things happened.

Thing 1: I had an idea, and for me, coming from a family who never wanted to be beholden to anyone for anything, this was incredibly radical thinking: What if I ASKED my herdmates for a suggestion or two? So I did.

The response was exactly what I needed. A couple of people offered up ideas, and the rest of the responders offered up - encouragement! This felt soooo good! I felt like I had a lot of very wonderful individuals behind me, pulling for me, wanting me to be successful.

Thing 2: I got a call from one of our soon-to-be-graduates, and she reminded me of something else.

I'm not in this alone.

You might think that getting encouragement and suggestions from the herd implied that I wasn't in it alone, and that is true. But what she was talking about was a little bit different. It was more about inner guidance; the unseen, unknown Something that binds us all together, and is with us always. I've always known this intellectually. But for some reason, when my herdmate friend offered me this knowing, it finally, finally fell into place. Oh. Yeah. I'm one piece of a very big puzzle, and we are all interconnected, interlocked, and what a beautiful picture it makes!

My part of the design involves doing a workshop or two this summer, and with the suggestions from my herdmates, which sparked some ideas of my own, and the knowledge that what I do is really quite a bit bigger than me and I'm just the tip of the iceberg, I'll be able to pull it off. I'm actually starting to get excited about the idea of a workshop!

Two little things - but together, they have made a universe of difference!

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