Thursday, April 21, 2011

You want me to do WHAT?

Coaching call on Tuesday. Everything's going along swimmingly. We're talking about the business plan, and how it's time I really get on it for the website, books I've been reading, etc. And then, Coach Peggy says "You know, Ashara, you don't have to wait to be certified to do some workshops. You just say you're a student. I think you should consider doing a workshop or two this summer."

Gggaaaaaaaaaaaaak. You know the sound a cat makes coughing up a furball? That's pretty much what went on inside my panic-stricken mind.

Much later, when the call was over and I stopped hyperventilating, I really got worried. What about business cards? What about insurance? The customer database? I think I've got maybe two people who said I could add them to the (currently non-existent) database. Two of my three healing herd horses require some serious lessons in manners before they would be safe around non-horse people. What do I have a workshop ABOUT??? I'm an INFP, for cryin' out loud!

Can we do workshops by mail?

The gauntlet, however, has been tossed. I hate it when that happens, because it means it will sit there, on the ground, staring at me until I pick. It. Up. I find it incredibly annoying when inanimate objects stare.

Stay tuned for the next thrilling installment of "Ashara steps waaaaay out of her comfort zone."

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